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df property readonly

Returns a dataframe with exploration results. Creates it from new if it doesn't exist yet.


Type Description

Dataframe with exploration results

__init__(self, function, explore_params, default_params=None, exploration_name=None, hdf_filename=None, num_cpus=None, num_gpus=None) special

Defines a parameter exploration of a given function.


Name Type Description Default
function function

Function to evaluate at each run

explore_params dict

Exploration parameters (individual) for each run

default_params dict

Default (shared) parameters to load for each run, optional, defaults to None

exploration_name str, optional

Name of the run, will create a name if left empty, defaults to None

hdf_filename str, optional

Filename of the hdf storage file, defaults to None

num_cpus int

Number of desired CPU cores passed to ray, defaults to None

num_gpus int

Number of desired GPUs passed to ray, defaults to None



Type Description

Exploration instance

Source code in mopet/
def __init__(
    num_cpus: int = None,
    num_gpus: int = None,
    """Defines a parameter exploration of a given `function`.

    :param function: Function to evaluate at each run
    :type function: function
    :param explore_params: Exploration parameters (individual) for each run
    :type explore_params: dict
    :param default_params: Default (shared) parameters to load for each run, optional, defaults to None
    :type default_params: dict
    :param exploration_name: Name of the run, will create a name if left empty, defaults to None
    :type exploration_name: str, optional
    :param hdf_filename: Filename of the hdf storage file, defaults to None
    :type hdf_filename: str, optional
    :param num_cpus: Number of desired CPU cores passed to ray, defaults to None
    :type num_cpus: int, optional
    :param num_gpus: Number of desired GPUs passed to ray, defaults to None
    :type num_gpus: int, optional
    :return: Exploration instance

    self.function = function
    self.results = {}
    self.results_params = []

    if default_params is not None:
        self.default_params = copy.deepcopy(default_params)
        self.full_params = True
        self.default_params = None
        self.full_params = False

    self.explore_params = copy.deepcopy(explore_params)

    if exploration_name is None:
        exploration_name = "exploration" +"_%Y_%m_%d_%HH_%MM_%SS")
    self.exploration_name = exploration_name

    if hdf_filename is None:
        hdf_filename = "exploration.h5"
    self.hdf_filename = hdf_filename

    self.dfResults = None

    # status
    self._hdf_open_for_reading = False

    # List of all parameter combinations generated when exploration starts
    self.explore_params_list = None

    # Dict with runId as keys and explored parameter dict as value.
    # Will be filled when exploration starts.
    self.run_params_dict = {}

    # Dict with runId as keys and explored parameter dict as value.
    # Will be filled when calling `load_results`.
    self.params = {}

    # Ray configuration
    self.num_gpus = num_gpus
    self.num_cpus = num_cpus


Close a previously opened HDF file.

Source code in mopet/
def close_hdf(self):
    """Close a previously opened HDF file."""
    self._hdf_open_for_reading = False"{self.hdf_filename} closed.")

get_run(self, run_id=None, run_name=None, filename=None, exploration_name=None)

Get a single result from a previous exploration. This function will load a single result from the HDF file. Use this function if you want to avoid loading all results to memory, which you can do using .load_results(arrays=True).

Note: This function will open the HDF for reading but will not close it afterwards! This is to speed up many sequential loads but it also means that you have to close the HDF file yourself. You can do this by using .close_hdf().


Name Type Description Default
run_id int, optional

Unique id of the run. Has to be given if run_name is not given, defaults to None

run_name str, optional

The name of the run. Has to be given if run_id is not given, defaults to None

filename str, optional

Filename of the HDF with previous exploration results. Previously used filename will be used if not given, defaults to None

exploration_name str, optional

Name of the exploration to load data from. Previously used exploration_name will be used if not given, defaults to None



Type Description

Results of the run

Source code in mopet/
def get_run(self, run_id=None, run_name=None, filename=None, exploration_name=None):
    """Get a single result from a previous exploration. This function
    will load a single result from the HDF file. Use this function
    if you want to avoid loading all results to memory, which you can
    do using `.load_results(arrays=True)`.

    Note: This function will open the HDF for reading but will not close
    it afterwards! This is to speed up many sequential loads but it also
    means that you have to close the HDF file yourself. You can do this
    by using `.close_hdf()`.

    :param run_id: Unique id of the run. Has to be given if run_name is not given, defaults to None
    :type run_id: int, optional
    :param run_name: The name of the run. Has to be given if run_id is not given, defaults to None
    :type run_name: str, optional
    :param filename: Filename of the HDF with previous exploration results. Previously used filename will be used if not given, defaults to None
    :type filename: str, optional
    :param exploration_name: Name of the exploration to load data from. Previously used exploration_name will be used if not given, defaults to None
    :type exploration_name: str, optional

    :return: Results of the run
    :rtype: dict
    :raises: NoSuchExplorationError if hdf5 file does not contain `exploration_name` group.
    # get result by id or if not then by run_name (hdf_run)
    assert run_id is not None or run_name is not None, "Either use `run_id` or `run_name`."

    if exploration_name:
        self.exploration_name = exploration_name

    if run_id is not None:
        run_name = self.RUN_PREFIX + str(run_id)

    if not self._hdf_open_for_reading:

        run_results_group = self.h5file.get_node("/" + self.exploration_name, "runs")[run_name]
    except NoSuchNodeError:
        raise ExplorationNotFoundError(
            "Exploration %s could not be found in HDF file %s".format(self.exploration_name, self.hdf_filename)

    result = self._read_group_as_dict(run_results_group)
    return result

load_results(self, filename=None, exploration_name=None, arrays=False, as_dict=False)

Load results from previous explorations. This function will open an HDF file and look for an exploration. It will create a Pandas Dataframe object (accessible through the attribute .df) with a list of all runs and their parameters.

You can load the exploration results using following parameters:

  • If arrays==False, all scalar results from the exploration will be added to the Dataframe (default).
  • If arrays==True, then all results, including (larger) numpy arrays will be loaded. This can take up a lot of RAM since all results will be available. Only use this option if you know that you have enough memory. Otherwise, you might want to skip this and load results separately using the method .get_run().
  • If as_dict==True, all results will be loaded and saved to the attribute .results regardless of their type. Will use even more memory.


Name Type Description Default
filename str, optional

Filename of HDF file, uses default filename or previously used filename if not given, defaults to None

exploration_name str, optional

Name of the exploration, same as the group names of the explorations in the HDF file, defaults to None

arrays bool, optional

Aggregate all results, including arrays into the results Dataframe, defaults to False

as_dict bool, optional

Load all results into a dictionary available as the attribute .results. Can use a lot of RAM, defaults to False



Type Description

if file with filename does not exist.

Source code in mopet/
def load_results(self, filename=None, exploration_name=None, arrays=False, as_dict=False):
    """Load results from previous explorations. This function
    will open an HDF file and look for an exploration. It will
    create a Pandas `Dataframe` object (accessible through the
    attribute `.df`) with a list of all runs and their parameters.

    You can load the exploration results using following parameters:

    - If `arrays==False`, all scalar results from the exploration
    will be added to the Dataframe (default).
    - If `arrays==True`, then all results, including (larger) numpy arrays
    will be loaded. This can take
    up a lot of RAM since all results will be available. Only
    use this option if you know that you have enough memory. Otherwise,
    you might want to skip this and load results separately using the
    method `.get_run()`.
    - If `as_dict==True`, all results will be loaded and saved to the attribute
    `.results` regardless of their type. Will use even more memory.

    :param filename: Filename of HDF file, uses default filename or previously used filename if not given, defaults to None
    :type filename: str, optional
    :param exploration_name: Name of the exploration, same as the group names of the explorations in the HDF file, defaults to None
    :type exploration_name: str, optional
    :param arrays: Aggregate all results, including arrays into the results Dataframe, defaults to False
    :type arrays: bool, optional
    :param as_dict: Load all results into a dictionary available as the attribute `.results`. Can use a lot of RAM, defaults to False
    :type as_dict: bool, optional
    :raises Hdf5FileNotExistsError: if file with `filename` does not exist.
    if exploration_name is None:
        exploration_name = self.exploration_name
        self.exploration_name = exploration_name

    self._load_all_results(exploration_name, as_dict=as_dict)
    self._aggregate_results(exploration_name, arrays=arrays)


Start parameter exploration.

TODO: Pass kwargs in run() to the exploration function


Type Description

if exploration with same name already exists in HDF5 file.

Source code in mopet/
def run(self):
    """Start parameter exploration.

    TODO: Pass kwargs in run() to the exploration function

    :raises ExplorationExistsError: if exploration with same name already exists in HDF5 file.
    # Initialize ray
    self._init_ray(num_cpus=self.num_cpus, num_gpus=self.num_gpus)

    # Create a list of all combinations of parameters from explore_params
    self.explore_params_list = self._cartesian_product_dict(self.explore_params)

    # Initialize hdf storage

    # -----------------------------
    # Set up all simulations
    # -----------------------------

    # remember the time
    start_time = time.time()
    # a unique id for each run
    run_id = 0

    # contains ray objects of each run
    ray_returns = {}
    # contains all exploration parameters of each run
    self.run_params_dict = {}"Starting {len(self.explore_params_list)} jobs.")
    # cycle through all parameter combinations
    for update_params in tqdm.tqdm(self.explore_params_list):

        if self.full_params and self.default_params is not None:
            # load the default parameters
            run_params = copy.deepcopy(self.default_params)
            # and update them with the explored parameters
            run_params = copy.deepcopy(update_params)

        # start all ray jobs and remember the ray object
        # pylint: disable=no-member
        ray_returns[run_id] = _ray_remote.remote(self.function, run_params)

        # store this runs explore parameters
        self.run_params_dict[run_id] = copy.deepcopy(update_params)

        # increment the run id
        run_id += 1

    # stop measuring time
    end_time = time.time() - start_time"Runs took {end_time} s to submit.")

    # -----------------------------
    # Reduce and store all results
    # -----------------------------

    # remember the time
    start_time = time.time()

    # cycle through all returned ray objects
    for run_id, ray_return in tqdm.tqdm(ray_returns.items()):
        # get the appropriate parameters for this run
        run_param = self.run_params_dict[run_id]
        # queue object for storage
        self._store_result(run_id, ray_return, run_param)
        # remove LOCAL_REFERENCE in form of ObjectId from ray's object store.
        ray_returns[run_id] = None

    # stop measuring time
    end_time = time.time() - start_time"Runs and storage took {end_time} s to complete.")

    # tear down hdf storage
