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Brain network exploration with neurolib

In this example, we will run a parameter exploration of a whole-brain model that we load using the brain simulation framework neurolib. Please visit the Github repo to learn more about this library or read the gentle introduction to neurolib to learn more about the neuroscience background of neural mass models and whole-brain simulations.

# change into the root directory of the project
import os
if os.getcwd().split("/")[-1] == "examples":

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
!pip install matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# a nice color map
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'plasma'

!pip install neurolib
from neurolib.models.aln import ALNModel
from neurolib.utils.loadData import Dataset
import neurolib.utils.functions as func
ds = Dataset("hcp")

import mopet

We load a model with parameters that generate interesting dynamics.

model = ALNModel(Cmat = ds.Cmat, Dmat = ds.Dmat)
model.params['duration'] = 0.2*60*1000 
model.params['mue_ext_mean'] = 1.57
model.params['mui_ext_mean'] = 1.6
# We set an appropriate level of noise
model.params['sigma_ou'] = 0.09
# And turn on adaptation with a low value of spike-triggered adaptation currents.
model.params['b'] = 5.0
INFO:root:aln: Model initialized.

Let's run it to see what kind of output it produces!, chunkwise=True)

We simualted the model with BOLD output, so let's compute the functional connectivity (fc) matrix:

plt.imshow(func.fc(model.BOLD.BOLD[:, model.BOLD.t_BOLD > 5000]))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fe49d20bd68>

This is our multi-stage evaluation function.

def evaluateSimulation(params):
    defaultDuration = model.params['duration']
    invalid_result = {"fc" : [0]* len(ds.BOLDs)}"Running stage 1")    
    # -------- stage wise simulation --------    
    # Stage 1 : simulate for a few seconds to see if there is any activity
    # ---------------------------------------
    model.params['duration'] = 3*1000.
    # check if stage 1 was successful
    amplitude = np.max(model.output[:, model.t > 500]) - np.min(model.output[:, model.t > 500])
    if amplitude < 0.05:
        invalid_result = {"fc" : 0}
        return invalid_result"Running stage 2")
    # Stage 2: simulate BOLD for a few seconds to see if it moves
    # ---------------------------------------
    model.params['duration'] = 20*1000. = True, chunkwise=True)

    if np.std(model.BOLD.BOLD[:, 5:10]) < 0.0001:
        invalid_result = {"fc" : -1}
        return invalid_result"Running stage 3")
    # Stage 3: full and final simulation
    # ---------------------------------------
    model.params['duration'] = defaultDuration = True, chunkwise=True)

    # -------- evaluation here --------
    scores = []
    for i, fc in enumerate(ds.FCs):#range(len(ds.FCs)):
        fc_score = func.matrix_correlation(func.fc(model.BOLD.BOLD[:, 5:]), fc)

    meanScore = np.mean(scores)
    result_dict = {"fc" : meanScore}
    return result_dict

We test run the evaluation function.

model.params['duration'] = 20*1000.
INFO:root:Running stage 1
INFO:root:Running stage 2
INFO:root:Running stage 3

{'fc': 0.47791339371570196}
# NOTE: These values are low for testing
model.params['duration'] = 10*1000.

explore_params = {"a": np.linspace(0, 40.0, 2)
                 ,"K_gl": np.linspace(100, 400, 2)
                 ,"sigma_ou" : np.linspace(0.1, 0.5, 2)

# we need this random filename to avoid testing clashes
hdf_filename = f"exploration-{np.random.randint(99999)}.h5"
ex = mopet.Exploration(evaluateSimulation, explore_params, default_params=model.params, hdf_filename=hdf_filename)
2021-02-15 14:41:45,628   INFO -- Starting Ray with 2.93 GiB memory available for workers and up to 1.49 GiB for objects. You can adjust these settings with ray.init(memory=<bytes>, object_store_memory=<bytes>).
2021-02-15 14:41:46,030 INFO -- View the Ray dashboard at localhost:8265
WARNING:root:Could not store dict entry model (type: <class 'str'>)
WARNING:root:Could not store dict entry name (type: <class 'str'>)
WARNING:root:Could not store dict entry description (type: <class 'str'>)
WARNING:root:Could not store dict entry seed (type: <class 'NoneType'>)
INFO:root:Starting 8 jobs.
100%|██████████| 8/8 [00:03<00:00,  2.07it/s]
INFO:root:Runs took 3.9077529907226562 s to submit.
100%|██████████| 8/8 [00:41<00:00,  5.22s/it]
INFO:root:Runs and storage took 41.760748624801636 s to complete.

INFO:root:exploration-32981.h5 opened for reading.
INFO:root:Gettings runs of exploration ``exploration_2021_02_15_14H_41M_45S``
100%|██████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 274.65it/s]
INFO:root:Creating new results DataFrame
INFO:root:Aggregating all results ...
100%|██████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 672.37it/s]
INFO:root:exploration-32981.h5 closed.

{0: {'fc': 0.47714049585686386},
 1: {'fc': 0.21224795010640501},
 2: {'fc': 0.5020328111509204},
 3: {'fc': 0.20761353986442857},
 4: {'fc': 0},
 5: {'fc': 0.520090340052364},
 6: {'fc': 0},
 7: {'fc': 0.4901571834071358}}
{0: {'K_gl': 100.0, 'a': 0.0, 'sigma_ou': 0.1},
 1: {'K_gl': 100.0, 'a': 0.0, 'sigma_ou': 0.5},
 2: {'K_gl': 400.0, 'a': 0.0, 'sigma_ou': 0.1},
 3: {'K_gl': 400.0, 'a': 0.0, 'sigma_ou': 0.5},
 4: {'K_gl': 100.0, 'a': 40.0, 'sigma_ou': 0.1},
 5: {'K_gl': 100.0, 'a': 40.0, 'sigma_ou': 0.5},
 6: {'K_gl': 400.0, 'a': 40.0, 'sigma_ou': 0.1},
 7: {'K_gl': 400.0, 'a': 40.0, 'sigma_ou': 0.5}}
K_gl a sigma_ou fc
0 100 0 0.1 0.477140
1 100 0 0.5 0.212248
2 400 0 0.1 0.502033
3 400 0 0.5 0.207614
4 100 40 0.1 0.000000
5 100 40 0.5 0.520090
6 400 40 0.1 0.000000
7 400 40 0.5 0.490157
sigma_selectors = np.unique(ex.df.sigma_ou)
for s in sigma_selectors:
    df = ex.df[(ex.df.sigma_ou == s)]

    pivotdf = df.pivot_table(values='fc', index = 'K_gl', columns='a')
    plt.imshow(pivotdf, \
           extent = [min(df.a), max(df.a),
                     min(df.K_gl), max(df.K_gl)], origin='lower', aspect='auto')
    plt.colorbar(label='Mean correlation to empirical rs-FC')
    plt.title("$\sigma_{ou}$" + "={}".format(s))