COVID-19 Lo-Fi wave tunes
Covid beats to relax/study and lose your shit to
Sonification: A sine wave is frequency modulated with the number of new daily cases. The amplitude is modulated with the daily change of new daily cases.
Colors: If the last reported cases are < 33% of the maximum, the data is shown in green. Else, if the last cases are > 66% of the maximum, the data is shown in red. Else, grey.
Axes: The data is shown on a normalized y-axis. This means that the actual numbers between countries can be very different and should not be compared. On the x-axis, the data is shown from the day of the 100th positive case until today.
Preprocessing: The number of new cases per day is averaged using a 7-day rolling window. Countries are included if they have at least 100000 cases and at least 1000 deaths. Countries are sorted by total number of cases.
Data: The data is pulled from the COVID-19 Data Repository by Johns Hopkins CSSE
Disclaimer: I am not an expert on Covid. There might be glitches or mistakes in my data processing. Please wear a mask when necessary, apparently they do work. I hope you'll all stay healthy.